You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

717 lines
19 KiB

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// Spline Area Chart -------> AREA CHART
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// Real Time Area Chart -------> AREA CHART
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[1338933600000, 31.69],
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[1340748000000, 31.41],
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[1344376800000, 32.51],
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[1344895200000, 32.1],
[1344981600000, 32.91],
[1345068000000, 33.65],
[1345154400000, 33.8],
[1345413600000, 33.92],
[1345500000000, 33.75],
[1345586400000, 33.84],
[1345672800000, 33.5],
[1345759200000, 32.26],
[1346018400000, 32.32],
[1346104800000, 32.06],
[1346191200000, 31.96],
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[1346709600000, 31.43],
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