import { d3, initChart } from './c3-helper' describe('c3 chart grid', function() { 'use strict' var chart, args beforeEach(function(done) { chart = initChart(chart, args, done) }) describe('y grid show', function() { beforeAll(function() { args = { data: { columns: [['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250]] }, axis: { y: { tick: {} } }, grid: { y: { show: false } } } }) it('should not show y grids', function() { expect('.c3-ygrids').size()).toBe(0) }) describe('with y grids', function() { beforeAll(function() { = true }) it('should show y grids', function() { var ygrids ='.c3-ygrids') expect(ygrids.size()).toBe(1) expect(ygrids.selectAll('.c3-ygrid').size()).toBe(9) }) }) describe('with only 3 y grids', function() { beforeAll(function() { args.grid.y.ticks = 3 }) it('should show only 3 y grids', function() { var ygrids ='.c3-ygrids') expect(ygrids.size()).toBe(1) expect(ygrids.selectAll('.c3-ygrid').size()).toBe(3) }) }) describe('with y grids depending on y axis ticks', function() { beforeAll(function() { args.axis.y.tick.count = 5 }) it('should show grids depending on y axis ticks', function() { var ygrids ='.c3-ygrids'), expectedYs = [] ygrids.selectAll('.c3-ygrid').each(function(d, i) { expectedYs[i] = Math.ceil('y1')) }) expect(ygrids.size()).toBe(1) expect(ygrids.selectAll('.c3-ygrid').size()).toBe(5) chart.internal.main .select('.c3-axis-y') .selectAll('.tick') .each(function(d, i) { var t ='transform') expect(t).toBe('translate(0,' + expectedYs[i] + ')') }) }) }) }) describe('y grid lines', function() { describe('position', function() { beforeAll(function() { args = { data: { columns: [['data1', 10, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250]] }, grid: { y: { lines: [ { value: 30, text: 'Label 30', position: 'start' }, { value: 145, text: 'Label 145', position: 'middle' }, { value: 225, text: 'Label 225' } ] } } } }) it('should show 3 grid lines', function() { expect( chart.internal.main.selectAll('.c3-ygrid-lines .c3-ygrid-line').size() ).toBe(3) }) it('should locate grid lines properly', function() { var lines = chart.internal.main.selectAll( '.c3-ygrid-lines .c3-ygrid-line' ), expectedY1s = [373, 268, 196] lines.each(function(d, i) { var y1 = d3 .select(this) .select('line') .attr('y1') expect(y1).toBeCloseTo(expectedY1s[i], -2) }) }) it('should locate grid texts properly', function() { var lines = chart.internal.main.selectAll( '.c3-ygrid-lines .c3-ygrid-line' ), expectedPositions = ['start', 'middle', 'end'], expectedDxs = [4, 0, -4] lines.each(function(d, i) { var text ='text'), textAnchor = text.attr('text-anchor'), dx = text.attr('dx') expect(textAnchor).toBe(expectedPositions[i]) expect(+dx).toBe(expectedDxs[i]) }) }) describe('three gridlines', function() { beforeAll(function() { args = { data: { columns: [['data1', 10, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250]] }, axis: { rotated: true }, grid: { y: { lines: [ { value: 30, text: 'Label 30', position: 'start' }, { value: 145, text: 'Label 145', position: 'middle' }, { value: 225, text: 'Label 225' } ] } } } }) it('should show 3 grid lines', function() { expect( chart.internal.main .selectAll('.c3-ygrid-lines .c3-ygrid-line') .size() ).toBe(3) }) it('should locate grid lines properly', function() { var lines = chart.internal.main.selectAll( '.c3-ygrid-lines .c3-ygrid-line' ), expectedX1s = [75, 220, 321] lines.each(function(d, i) { var x1 = d3 .select(this) .select('line') .attr('x1') expect(x1).toBeCloseTo(expectedX1s[i], -2) }) }) it('should locate grid texts properly', function() { var lines = chart.internal.main.selectAll( '.c3-ygrid-lines .c3-ygrid-line' ), expectedPositions = ['start', 'middle', 'end'], expectedDxs = [4, 0, -4] lines.each(function(d, i) { var text ='text'), textAnchor = text.attr('text-anchor'), dx = text.attr('dx') expect(textAnchor).toBe(expectedPositions[i]) expect(+dx).toBe(expectedDxs[i]) }) }) }) }) }) describe('x grid lines', function() { describe('position', function() { beforeAll(function() { // 'should have correct height', args = { data: { columns: [['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400]] }, grid: { x: { lines: [ { value: 1, text: 'Label 1', position: 'start' }, { value: 2, text: 'Label 2', position: 'middle' }, { value: 3, text: 'Label 3' } ] } } } }) it('should show 3 grid lines', function() { expect( chart.internal.main.selectAll('.c3-xgrid-lines .c3-xgrid-line').size() ).toBe(3) }) it('should locate grid lines properly', function() { var lines = chart.internal.main.selectAll( '.c3-xgrid-lines .c3-xgrid-line' ), expectedX1s = [202, 397, 593] lines.each(function(d, i) { var x1 = d3 .select(this) .select('line') .attr('x1') expect(x1).toBeCloseTo(expectedX1s[i], -2) }) }) it('should locate grid texts properly', function() { var lines = chart.internal.main.selectAll( '.c3-xgrid-lines .c3-xgrid-line' ), expectedPositions = ['start', 'middle', 'end'], expectedDxs = [4, 0, -4] lines.each(function(d, i) { var text ='text'), textAnchor = text.attr('text-anchor'), dx = text.attr('dx') expect(textAnchor).toBe(expectedPositions[i]) expect(+dx).toBe(expectedDxs[i]) }) }) describe('three grid lines', function() { beforeAll(function() { args = { data: { columns: [['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400]] }, axis: { rotated: true }, grid: { x: { lines: [ { value: 1, text: 'Label 1', position: 'start' }, { value: 2, text: 'Label 2', position: 'middle' }, { value: 3, text: 'Label 3' } ] } } } }) it('should show 3 grid lines', function() { expect( chart.internal.main .selectAll('.c3-xgrid-lines .c3-xgrid-line') .size() ).toBe(3) }) it('should locate grid lines properly', function() { var lines = chart.internal.main.selectAll( '.c3-xgrid-lines .c3-xgrid-line' ), expectedY1s = [144, 283, 421] lines.each(function(d, i) { var y1 = d3 .select(this) .select('line') .attr('y1') expect(y1).toBeCloseTo(expectedY1s[i], -2) }) }) it('should locate grid texts properly', function() { var lines = chart.internal.main.selectAll( '.c3-xgrid-lines .c3-xgrid-line' ), expectedPositions = ['start', 'middle', 'end'], expectedDxs = [4, 0, -4] lines.each(function(d, i) { var text ='text'), textAnchor = text.attr('text-anchor'), dx = text.attr('dx') expect(textAnchor).toBe(expectedPositions[i]) expect(+dx).toBe(expectedDxs[i]) }) }) }) }) describe('with', function() { describe('should have correct height', function() { beforeAll(function() { args = { data: { columns: [['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400]] }, grid: { x: { lines: [{ value: 3, text: 'Label 3' }] } }, padding: { top: 50 } } }) it('should show x grid lines', function() { var lines = '.c3-xgrid-lines .c3-xgrid-line' ), expectedX1 = 593, expectedText = ['Label 3'] lines.each(function(id, i) { var line =, l ='line'), t ='text') expect(+l.attr('x1')).toBeCloseTo(expectedX1, -2) expect(t.text()).toBe(expectedText[i]) }) }) }) }) describe('on category axis', function() { beforeAll(function() { args = { data: { x: 'x', columns: [ ['x', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], ['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400] ] }, axis: { x: { type: 'category' } }, grid: { x: { lines: [ { value: 3, text: 'Label 3' }, { value: 'a', text: 'Label a' } ] } } } }) it('should show x grid lines', function() { var lines = chart.internal.main.selectAll( '.c3-xgrid-lines .c3-xgrid-line' ), expectedX1 = [515, 74], expectedText = ['Label 3', 'Label a'] lines.each(function(id, i) { var line =, l ='line'), t ='text') expect(+l.attr('x1')).toBeCloseTo(expectedX1[i], -2) expect(t.text()).toBe(expectedText[i]) }) }) }) }) })