import { asHalfPixel, ceil10, diffDomain, getOption, hasValue, isArray, isDefined, isEmpty, isFunction, isString, isUndefined, isValue, notEmpty, sanitise, isNumber, flattenArray, getIEVersion, isIE } from '../src/util' describe('util.js tests', function() { 'use strict' var undefined_var var html_str = '
Hello there
' var html_entities_str = '<div>Hello there</div>' var empty_string = '' var nonempty_string = 'hello there' var nonempty_number = 1234.2 var zero_number = 0 var null_var = null var empty_object = {} var nonempty_object = { a: 1 } var empty_array = [] var nonempty_array = [1, 3] var nonempty_function = function(a) { return a } describe('asHalfPixel, ceil10 and diffDomain functions', function() { it('asHalfPixel should return correct value', function() { expect(asHalfPixel(nonempty_number)).toBe(1235.5) }) it('ceil10 should return correct value', function() { expect(ceil10(nonempty_number)).toBe(1240) }) it('diffDomain should return correct value', function() { expect(diffDomain(nonempty_array)).toBe(2) }) }) describe('getOption and hasValue functions', function() { it('getOption should return value if options dict has specified key', function() { expect(getOption(nonempty_object, 'a', 'b')).toBe(1) }) it('getOption should return default value if options dict lacks specified key', function() { expect(getOption(empty_object, 'a', 'b')).toBe('b') }) it('hasValue should return true if dict has requested value', function() { expect(hasValue(nonempty_object, 1)).toBe(true) }) it('hasValue should return false if dict lacks requested value', function() { expect(hasValue(nonempty_object, 2)).toBe(false) }) }) describe('sanitise function', function() { it('should replace < and > tags', function() { expect(sanitise(html_str)).toBe(html_entities_str) }) it('should not modify a string not containing < and > tags', function() { expect(sanitise(html_entities_str)).toBe(html_entities_str) }) it('should not modify an imput whose type is not string', function() { expect(sanitise(nonempty_number)).toBe(nonempty_number) }) }) describe('flattenArray', function() { it('returns empty array for undefined value', function() { expect(flattenArray(undefined_var)).toEqual([]) }) it('returns flattened arrays (1 array)', function() { expect(flattenArray([[1]])).toEqual([1]) }) it('returns flatten arrays (n arrays)', function() { expect(flattenArray([[1], ['2']])).toEqual([1, '2']) }) }) describe('isArray, isDefined, isEmpty, isFunction, isNumber, isString, isUndefined, isValue and notEmpty functions', function() { it('isArray should return true for array var', function() { expect(isArray(nonempty_array)).toBe(true) }) it('isDefined should return true for defined var', function() { expect(isDefined(nonempty_string)).toBe(true) }) it('isFunction should return true for function var', function() { expect(isFunction(nonempty_function)).toBe(true) }) it('isString should return true for string var', function() { expect(isString(nonempty_string)).toBe(true) }) it('isUndefined should return true for undefined var', function() { expect(isUndefined(undefined_var)).toBe(true) }) it('isValue should return true for value var', function() { expect(isValue(nonempty_number)).toBe(1234.2) }) it('isArray should return false for non array var', function() { expect(isArray(nonempty_string)).toBe(false) }) it('isDefined should return false for non defined var', function() { expect(isDefined(undefined_var)).toBe(false) }) it('isFunction should return false for non function var', function() { expect(isFunction(nonempty_string)).toBe(false) }) it('isString should return false for non string var', function() { expect(isString(undefined_var)).toBe(false) }) it('isUndefined should return false for non undefined var', function() { expect(isUndefined(nonempty_string)).toBe(false) }) it('isValue should return false for null var', function() { expect(isValue(null_var)).toBe(false) }) it('isNumber should return false for undefined var', function() { expect(isNumber(undefined_var)).toBe(false) }) it('isNumber should return false for null var', function() { expect(isNumber(null_var)).toBe(false) }) it('isNumber should return false for string var', function() { expect(isNumber(nonempty_string)).toBe(false) }) it('isNumber should return true for nonempty_number', function() { expect(isNumber(nonempty_number)).toBe(true) }) it('isNumber should return true for zero_number', function() { expect(isNumber(zero_number)).toBe(true) }) it('isEmpty should return false for nonempty_array', function() { expect(isEmpty(nonempty_array)).toBe(false) }) it('isEmpty should return false for nonempty_number', function() { expect(isEmpty(nonempty_number)).toBe(false) }) it('isEmpty should return false for nonempty_object', function() { expect(isEmpty(nonempty_object)).toBe(false) }) it('isEmpty should return false for nonempty_string', function() { expect(isEmpty(nonempty_string)).toBe(false) }) it('isEmpty should return true for empty_array', function() { expect(isEmpty(empty_array)).toBe(true) }) it('isEmpty should return true for empty_object', function() { expect(isEmpty(empty_object)).toBe(true) }) it('isEmpty should return true for empty_string', function() { expect(isEmpty(empty_string)).toBe(true) }) it('isEmpty should return true for null_var', function() { expect(isEmpty(null_var)).toBe(true) }) it('isEmpty should return true for undefined_var', function() { expect(isEmpty(undefined_var)).toBe(true) }) it('notEmpty should return false for empty_array', function() { expect(notEmpty(empty_array)).toBe(false) }) it('notEmpty should return false for empty_object', function() { expect(notEmpty(empty_object)).toBe(false) }) it('notEmpty should return false for empty_string', function() { expect(notEmpty(empty_string)).toBe(false) }) it('notEmpty should return false for null_var', function() { expect(notEmpty(null_var)).toBe(false) }) it('notEmpty should return false for undefined_var', function() { expect(notEmpty(undefined_var)).toBe(false) }) it('notEmpty should return true for nonempty_array', function() { expect(notEmpty(nonempty_array)).toBe(true) }) it('notEmpty should return true for nonempty_number', function() { expect(notEmpty(nonempty_number)).toBe(true) }) it('notEmpty should return true for nonempty_object', function() { expect(notEmpty(nonempty_object)).toBe(true) }) it('notEmpty should return true for nonempty_string', function() { expect(notEmpty(nonempty_string)).toBe(true) }) }) describe('getIEVersion and isIE', function() { it('getIEVersion should return 10 for user agent string "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; Trident/6.0)"', function() { expect( getIEVersion( 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; Trident/6.0)' ) ).toBe(10) }) it('getIEVersion should return 11 for user agent string "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"', function() { expect( getIEVersion( 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko' ) ).toBe(11) }) it('getIEVersion should return false for user agent string "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.71 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.0"', function() { expect( getIEVersion( 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.71 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.0' ) ).toBe(false) }) it('getIEVersion should return a number or false if parameter "agent" is not used', function() { expect(getIEVersion()).toMatch(/(\d+|false)/) }) it('isIE should return false for version number 6', function() { expect(isIE(6)).toBe(false) }) it('isIE should return true or false if parameter "version" is not used', function() { expect(isIE()).toMatch(/(true|false)/) }) }) })