$(function () { // Basic Radial Bar Chart -------> RADIAL CHART var options_basic = { series: [70], chart: { fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif', height: 350, type: "radialBar", }, colors: ["#2962ff"], plotOptions: { radialBar: { hollow: { size: "70%", }, dataLabels: { value: { color: "#a1aab2", show: true, }, }, }, }, labels: ["Cricket"], }; var chart_radial_basic = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-radial-basic"), options_basic ); chart_radial_basic.render(); // Multiple Radial Bar Chart -------> RADIAL CHART var options_multiple = { series: [44, 55, 67, 83], chart: { fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif', height: 350, type: "radialBar", }, colors: ["#2962ff", "#4fc3f7", "#ffaf0e", "#f62d51"], plotOptions: { radialBar: { dataLabels: { name: { fontSize: "22px", }, value: { fontSize: "16px", color: "#a1aab2", }, total: { show: true, label: "Total", formatter: function (w) { // By default this function returns the average of all series. The below is just an example to show the use of custom formatter function return 249; }, }, }, }, }, labels: ["Apples", "Oranges", "Bananas", "Berries"], }; var chart_radial_multiple = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-radial-multiple"), options_multiple ); chart_radial_multiple.render(); // Custome circle Radial Bar Chart -------> RADIAL CHART var options_custom_circle = { series: [76, 67, 61, 90], chart: { fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif', height: 390, type: "radialBar", }, plotOptions: { radialBar: { offsetY: 0, startAngle: 0, endAngle: 270, hollow: { margin: 5, size: "30%", background: "transparent", image: undefined, }, dataLabels: { name: { show: false, }, value: { show: false, }, }, }, }, colors: ["#2962ff", "#4fc3f7", "#ffaf0e", "#f62d51"], labels: ["Vimeo", "Messenger", "Facebook", "LinkedIn"], legend: { show: true, floating: true, fontSize: "16px", position: "left", offsetX: 80, offsetY: 15, labels: { useSeriesColors: true, }, markers: { size: 0, }, formatter: function (seriesName, opts) { return seriesName + ": " + opts.w.globals.series[opts.seriesIndex]; }, itemMargin: { vertical: 3, }, }, responsive: [ { breakpoint: 480, options: { legend: { show: false, }, }, }, ], }; var chart_radial_custom_circle = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-radial-circle"), options_custom_circle ); chart_radial_custom_circle.render(); // Stroked Gauge Radial Bar Chart -------> RADIAL CHART var options_gradient = { series: [75], chart: { fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif', height: 350, type: "radialBar", toolbar: { show: false, }, }, plotOptions: { radialBar: { startAngle: -135, endAngle: 225, hollow: { margin: 0, size: "70%", background: "#fff", image: undefined, imageOffsetX: 0, imageOffsetY: 0, position: "front", dropShadow: { enabled: true, top: 3, left: 0, blur: 4, opacity: 0.24, }, }, track: { background: "#fff", strokeWidth: "67%", margin: 0, // margin is in pixels dropShadow: { enabled: true, top: -3, left: 0, blur: 4, opacity: 0.35, }, }, dataLabels: { show: true, name: { offsetY: -10, show: true, color: "#2962ff", fontSize: "17px", }, value: { formatter: function (val) { return parseInt(val); }, color: "#00b0ff", fontSize: "36px", show: true, }, }, }, }, fill: { type: "gradient", gradient: { shade: "dark", type: "horizontal", shadeIntensity: 0.5, gradientToColors: ["#2962ff"], inverseColors: true, opacityFrom: 1, opacityTo: 1, stops: [0, 100], }, }, stroke: { lineCap: "round", }, labels: ["Percent"], }; var chart_radial_gradient = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-radial-gradient"), options_gradient ); chart_radial_gradient.render(); // Stroked Gauge Radial Bar Chart -------> RADIAL CHART var options_strocked = { series: [67], chart: { fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif', height: 350, type: "radialBar", offsetY: -10, }, colors: ["#2962ff"], plotOptions: { radialBar: { startAngle: -135, endAngle: 135, dataLabels: { name: { fontSize: "16px", color: undefined, offsetY: 120, }, value: { offsetY: 76, fontSize: "22px", color: "#a1aab2", formatter: function (val) { return val + "%"; }, }, }, }, }, fill: { type: "gradient", gradient: { shade: "dark", shadeIntensity: 0.15, inverseColors: false, opacityFrom: 1, opacityTo: 1, stops: [0, 50, 65, 91], }, }, stroke: { dashArray: 4, }, labels: ["Median Ratio"], }; var chart_radial_strocked = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-radial-stroked-gauge"), options_strocked ); chart_radial_strocked.render(); // Semi Circle Radial Bar Chart -------> RADIAL CHART var options_semi_circle = { series: [76], chart: { fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif', type: "radialBar", offsetY: -20, width: 400, height: 300, sparkline: { enabled: true, }, }, plotOptions: { radialBar: { startAngle: -90, endAngle: 90, track: { background: "#2962ff", strokeWidth: "97%", margin: 5, // margin is in pixels dropShadow: { enabled: true, top: 2, left: 0, color: "#999", opacity: 1, blur: 2, }, }, dataLabels: { name: { show: false, }, value: { offsetY: -2, fontSize: "22px", color: "#a1aab2", }, }, }, }, grid: { padding: { top: -10, }, }, fill: { type: "gradient", gradient: { color: "#00b0ff", shade: "light", shadeIntensity: 0.4, inverseColors: false, opacityFrom: 1, opacityTo: 1, stops: [0, 50, 53, 91], }, }, labels: ["Average Results"], }; var chart_radial_semi_circle = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-radial-semi-circle"), options_semi_circle ); chart_radial_semi_circle.render(); });