var data = [ { name: "bootstrap-table", stargazers_count: "526", forks_count: "122", description: "An extended Bootstrap table with radio, checkbox, sort, pagination, and other added features. (supports twitter bootstrap v2 and v3) ", }, { name: "multiple-select", stargazers_count: "288", forks_count: "150", description: "A jQuery plugin to select multiple elements with checkboxes :)", }, { name: "bootstrap-show-password", stargazers_count: "32", forks_count: "11", description: "Show/hide password plugin for twitter bootstrap.", }, { name: "blog", stargazers_count: "13", forks_count: "4", description: "my blog", }, { name: "scutech-redmine", stargazers_count: "6", forks_count: "3", description: "Redmine notification tools for chrome extension.", }, ]; $(function () { $("#smptable").bootstrapTable({ data: data, }); }); /*table column*/ function buildTable($el, cells, rows) { var i, j, row, columns = [], data = []; for (i = 0; i < cells; i++) { columns.push({ field: "field" + i, title: "Cell" + i, }); } for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { row = {}; for (j = 0; j < cells; j++) { row["field" + j] = "Row-" + i + "-" + j; } data.push(row); } $el.bootstrapTable("destroy").bootstrapTable({ columns: columns, data: data, }); } $(function () { buildTable($("#clmtable"), 50, 50); }); var $table = $("#exporttable"); var $remove = $("#remove"); var selections = []; function getIdSelections() { return $.map($table.bootstrapTable("getSelections"), function (row) { return; }); } function responseHandler(res) { $.each(res.rows, function (i, row) { row.state = $.inArray(, selections) !== -1; }); return res; } function detailFormatter(index, row) { var html = []; $.each(row, function (key, value) { html.push("

" + key + ": " + value + "

"); }); return html.join(""); } function operateFormatter(value, row, index) { return [ '', '', " ", '', '', "", ].join(""); } window.operateEvents = { "click .like": function (e, value, row, index) { alert("You click like action, row: " + JSON.stringify(row)); }, "click .remove": function (e, value, row, index) { $table.bootstrapTable("remove", { field: "id", values: [], }); }, }; function totalTextFormatter(data) { return "Total"; } function totalNameFormatter(data) { return data.length; } function totalPriceFormatter(data) { var field = this.field; return ( "$" + data .map(function (row) { return +row[field].substring(1); }) .reduce(function (sum, i) { return sum + i; }, 0) ); } function initTable() { $table.bootstrapTable("destroy").bootstrapTable({ height: 550, locale: $("#locale").val(), icons: { paginationSwitchDown: "far fa-caret-square-down", paginationSwitchUp: "far fa-caret-square-up", refresh: "fas fa-history", toggleOff: "fas fa-toggle-off", toggleOn: "fas fa-toggle-on", columns: "fas fa-list", fullscreen: "fas fa-expand", detailOpen: "fas fa-plus-circle", detailClose: "far fa-times-circle", export: "fas fa-share-alt", }, columns: [ [ { field: "state", checkbox: true, rowspan: 2, align: "center", valign: "middle", }, { title: "Item ID", field: "id", rowspan: 2, align: "center", valign: "middle", sortable: true, footerFormatter: totalTextFormatter, }, { title: "Item Detail", colspan: 3, align: "center", }, ], [ { field: "name", title: "Item Name", sortable: true, footerFormatter: totalNameFormatter, align: "center", }, { field: "price", title: "Item Price", sortable: true, align: "center", footerFormatter: totalPriceFormatter, }, { field: "operate", title: "Item Operate", align: "center", events: window.operateEvents, formatter: operateFormatter, }, ], ], }); $table.on( " " + "", function () { $remove.prop("disabled", !$table.bootstrapTable("getSelections").length); // save your data, here just save the current page selections = getIdSelections(); // push or splice the selections if you want to save all data selections } ); $table.on("", function (e, index, row, $detail) { if (index % 2 === 1) { $detail.html("Loading from ajax request..."); $.get("LICENSE", function (res) { $detail.html(res.replace(/\n/g, "
")); }); } }); $table.on("", function (e, name, args) { console.log(name, args); }); $ () { var ids = getIdSelections(); $table.bootstrapTable("remove", { field: "id", values: ids, }); $remove.prop("disabled", true); }); } $(function () { initTable(); $("#locale").change(initTable); }); var $table1 = $("#tablemodal"); $(function () { $("#modalTable").on("", function () { $table1.bootstrapTable("resetView"); }); }); var $table2 = $("#subtable"); function buildTable($el, cells, rows) { var i; var j; var row; var columns = []; var data = []; for (i = 0; i < cells; i++) { columns.push({ field: "field" + i, title: "Cell" + i, sortable: true, }); } for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { row = {}; for (j = 0; j < cells; j++) { row["field" + j] = "Row-" + i + "-" + j; } data.push(row); } $el.bootstrapTable({ columns: columns, data: data, detailView: cells > 1, onExpandRow: function (index, row, $detail) { /* eslint no-use-before-define: ["error", { "functions": false }]*/ expandTable($detail, cells - 1); }, }); } function expandTable($detail, cells) { buildTable($detail.html("
").find("table"), cells, 1); } $(function () { buildTable($table2, 8, 1); }); var $table3 = $("#localetable"); $(function () { $table3.bootstrapTable(); $table3.bootstrapTable("destroy").bootstrapTable({ locale: $("#localetable").val(), icons: { paginationSwitchDown: "far fa-caret-square-down", paginationSwitchUp: "far fa-caret-square-up", refresh: "fas fa-history", toggleOff: "fas fa-toggle-off", toggleOn: "fas fa-toggle-on", columns: "fas fa-list", fullscreen: "fas fa-expand", detailOpen: "fas fa-plus-circle", detailClose: "far fa-times-circle", export: "fas fa-share-alt", }, }); $("#localetable").change(function () { $table3.bootstrapTable("refreshOptions", { locale: $(this).val(), }); }); });