// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Dashboard 4 : Chart Init Js // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Minimal Demo Dashboard Init Js // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- $(function () { "use strict"; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // PRODUCTS YEARLY SALES Charts // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- var option_Products_Yearly_Sales = { series: [ { type: "area", name: "Mac", data: [5, 2, 7, 4, 5, 3, 5, 4], }, { type: "area", name: "Windows", data: [2, 5, 2, 6, 2, 5, 2, 4], }, ], chart: { fontFamily: "Nunito Sans,sans-serif", height: 360, type: "line", toolbar: { show: false, }, }, grid: { show: true, borderColor: "rgba(0,0,0,.1)", strokeDashArray: 3, xaxis: { lines: { show: true, }, }, yaxis: { lines: { show: true, }, }, }, colors: ["#2cabe3", "#8898aa"], fill: { type: "gradient", opacity: 0.5, gradient: { shade: "light", type: "vertical", shadeIntensity: 0.5, gradientToColors: undefined, // optional, if not defined - uses the shades of same color in series inverseColors: true, opacityFrom: 0.5, opacityTo: 0.3, stops: [0, 50, 100], colorStops: [], }, }, dataLabels: { enabled: false, }, stroke: { curve: "smooth", width: 2, }, markers: { size: 5, strokeColors: "transparent", }, xaxis: { categories: [ "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", ], labels: { style: { colors: "#a1aab2", }, }, }, yaxis: { seriesName: ["1k"], labels: { style: { colors: "#a1aab2", }, }, }, tooltip: { x: { format: "dd/MM/yy HH:mm", }, theme: "dark", }, legend: { show: false, }, }; var chart_area_spline = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#products-yearly-sales"), option_Products_Yearly_Sales ); chart_area_spline.render(); // 1) First 4 Card Charts var option_Total_Visit = { series: [ { name: "", data: [5, 6, 10, 9, 12, 4, 9], }, ], chart: { type: "bar", height: 30, offsetX: -10, toolbar: { show: false, }, sparkline: { enabled: true, }, }, colors: ["#53e69d"], grid: { show: false, }, plotOptions: { bar: { horizontal: false, startingShape: "flat", endingShape: "flat", columnWidth: "95%", barHeight: "100%", }, }, dataLabels: { enabled: false, }, stroke: { show: true, width: 4, colors: ["transparent"], }, xaxis: { axisBorder: { show: false, }, axisTicks: { show: false, }, labels: { show: false, }, }, yaxis: { labels: { show: false, }, }, axisBorder: { show: false, }, fill: { opacity: 1, }, tooltip: { theme: "dark", style: { fontSize: "12px", fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans",sans-serif', }, x: { show: false, }, y: { formatter: undefined, }, }, }; var chart_column_basic = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#total-visit"), option_Total_Visit ); chart_column_basic.render(); // second chart var option_Total_Page_Views = { series: [ { name: "", data: [5, 6, 10, 9, 12, 4, 9], }, ], chart: { type: "bar", height: 30, offsetX: -10, toolbar: { show: false, }, sparkline: { enabled: true, }, }, colors: ["#7460ee"], grid: { show: false, }, plotOptions: { bar: { horizontal: false, startingShape: "flat", endingShape: "flat", columnWidth: "95%", barHeight: "100%", }, }, dataLabels: { enabled: false, }, stroke: { show: true, width: 4, colors: ["transparent"], }, xaxis: { axisBorder: { show: false, }, axisTicks: { show: false, }, labels: { show: false, }, }, yaxis: { labels: { show: false, }, }, axisBorder: { show: false, }, fill: { opacity: 1, }, tooltip: { theme: "dark", style: { fontSize: "12px", fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans",sans-serif', }, x: { show: false, }, y: { formatter: undefined, }, }, }; var chart_column_basic = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#total-page-views"), option_Total_Page_Views ); chart_column_basic.render(); // 3rd chart var option_Unique_Visitor = { series: [ { name: "", data: [5, 6, 10, 9, 12, 4, 9], }, ], chart: { type: "bar", height: 30, offsetX: -10, toolbar: { show: false, }, sparkline: { enabled: true, }, }, colors: ["#11a0f8"], grid: { show: false, }, plotOptions: { bar: { horizontal: false, startingShape: "flat", endingShape: "flat", columnWidth: "95%", barHeight: "100%", }, }, dataLabels: { enabled: false, }, stroke: { show: true, width: 4, colors: ["transparent"], }, xaxis: { axisBorder: { show: false, }, axisTicks: { show: false, }, labels: { show: false, }, }, yaxis: { labels: { show: false, }, }, axisBorder: { show: false, }, fill: { opacity: 1, }, tooltip: { theme: "dark", style: { fontSize: "12px", fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans",sans-serif', }, x: { show: false, }, y: { formatter: undefined, }, }, }; var chart_column_basic = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#unique-visitor"), option_Unique_Visitor ); chart_column_basic.render(); // 4th chart var option_Bounce_Rate = { series: [ { name: "", data: [5, 6, 10, 9, 12, 4, 9], }, ], chart: { type: "bar", height: 30, offsetX: -10, toolbar: { show: false, }, sparkline: { enabled: true, }, }, colors: ["#ff7676"], grid: { show: false, }, plotOptions: { bar: { horizontal: false, startingShape: "flat", endingShape: "flat", columnWidth: "95%", barHeight: "100%", }, }, dataLabels: { enabled: false, }, stroke: { show: true, width: 4, colors: ["transparent"], }, xaxis: { axisBorder: { show: false, }, axisTicks: { show: false, }, labels: { show: false, }, }, yaxis: { labels: { show: false, }, }, axisBorder: { show: false, }, fill: { opacity: 1, }, tooltip: { theme: "dark", style: { fontSize: "12px", fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans",sans-serif', }, x: { show: false, }, y: { formatter: undefined, }, }, }; var chart_column_basic = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#bounce-rate"), option_Bounce_Rate ); chart_column_basic.render(); });